Technologies and skills I am proficient in.

I have had the opportunity to work on a diverse range of projects, both simple and complex, which has allowed me to gain experience in various areas and enhance and improve my skills.

  • Python

    A popular programming language for data science, machine learning, and web development.

  • C

    A high-performance programming language commonly used for system programming, firmware development, and more.

    The C Programming Language, 2nd Edition

  • Sklearn

    A popular Python library for machine learning, built on top of NumPy, SciPy, and Matplotlib.

  • GNU/Linux

    A free and an amazing open-source operating system built on top of the Linux kernel.

  • Git | Subversion

    Powerful version control tools for managing and tracking changes on software.

  • LaTex

    Just a powerful high-quality typesetting system, making yout technical or scientific documents look perfect.

  • Flask

    An amazing Python web framework for building web applications, APIs, and more.

  • Databases

    Experience with SQLite, MySQL and PostgreSQL

  • Next.js

    A popular React framework for building server-side rendered web applications.